Brand awareness
Most companies today are aware of the importance of marketing their products and services online, but many people don’t realise how important it is to optimise their content so that it shows up higher in search results. SEO optimisation allows you to increase brand awareness while driving traffic directly to your website. So let’s take a look at how SEO optimisation can positively affect your brand awareness and equity.
The role of SEO
SEO has a massive role in how consumers interact with brands. By optimising your site for search engines, you’re putting yourself at an advantage when it comes to driving traffic to your site. With more traffic, you can increase brand awareness and increase customer loyalty.
The importance of content
Content is key for your branding, your business and your SEO. It’s important to have a consistent message that resonates with your audience. It’s also important to make sure you are keeping up with trends in terms of content formats (such as video). If you can manage both of these things, then you will be well on your way to building a strong brand.
Types of keywords
Having the right keywords is essential when creating content. It is important to optimise for the right ones, you want to match your prospects' search intent as much as possible . You can use a tool like Google Keyword Planner to get an idea of what terms people are searching for in your industry or niche. Try to include at least one long-tail keyword (3+ words) per post. Long-tail keywords have less competition and are easier to rank for than short-tail (1 word) ones. For example, how to lose weight has more competition than how I lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks. The former will be easier to rank for.
Identifying your audience
There is nothing more frustrating than targeting the wrong audience. It is also demotivating and makes you wonder if your marketing efforts are any good. They most likely are, however, preaching to the wrong audience will not give you anything besides headaches and wasted time. They do not want want you have. You need to identify who they are, what they like and dislike, what their values are etc. If you do not know these things then how can you possibly market effectively? The key here is research! You need to talk with them directly or indirectly by researching online forums that discuss similar topics. Do not try to sell or advertise your product or service on these forums because no one wants a sales pitch! You want honest feedback from real people who share common interests with your target audience. By doing so you can develop a better understanding of their needs, likes and dislikes so that when it comes time for you to market it will be effective for them rather than an attempt at selling something that does not work for them.
Changes in SERPs over time
Search engines change often (too often), when you think you got it figured out, a new algorithm change throws all your marketing efforts into their head. In order to stay competitive in today’s marketplace, businesses need to make sure they are taking advantage of Google’s ever-changing landscape. One way to do that is by making sure your website is optimized for search engine optimization (SEO). This means making sure that search engines can easily crawl through your site and find what they are looking for without any problems. This will help ensure that you get found in searches that matter most to your business.
Ranking factors
There are hundreds of ranking factors. Some more important than others, but in the grand scheme of things they all play a part in how high your website ranks in the elusive SERP. In fact, you can't get to page one without making sure you're taking care of as many ranking factors as possible. The top five most influential factors are: A - Relevance (Does it answer users' queries?) B - Authority (Can users trust your site?) C - Longevity (Is it an established site?) D - Social Signals (Are people talking about it?) E - On-page Optimization (Does it use keywords well?) Curious thing about relevancy is that there are two types: user relevancy and query relevancy. I also just realized that was quite confusing... so here's an example for clarity: Let's say you search for blue widgets. You want blue widgets because blue is your favorite color.